Published on May 6, 2022
"This is not normal"
There are a lot of morticians doing these videos now because what they are seeing is so strange. Trolls are saying this is normal and that the blood clots after death but the morticians say something is seriously amiss and the embalming process would not work if this was normal after death. During embalming your blood is removed and replaced with fluid that prevents your body from rotting. If everything was clotted up in the past, how would that have worked? The procedure would not have been invented to begin with. Once faced with that question, trolls will say "The body is simply too fresh, the blood clots and then turns to liquid again" but that's not true either, morticians like to get them fresh, not 3 days rotted. Trolls say "once the blood stops flowing it automatically clots" but how do blood transfusions work then??

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